Larger works (public art) completed, but not yet exhibited.

If you curate a large indoor space or a sculpture walk, I would be glad to loan these works.

Sun Torque

A hanging string of solar-powered motors and reflectors, in a clear plastic tube.

Each motor is dual shaft. Sunlight collected by a small, IXYS brand, solar cell. Energy harvested by a Texas Instruments BQ25570 chip (boosts the 0.6V of the solar cell to 5V.) Motor pulses often in sunlight, every few minutes on overcast day. When a motor turns, it winds up the line and reflectors above and below, and then they unwind.

Six foot tall, four inches wide.

Video of the taller prototype at Facebook.

My public work Sun Torque

Sun Field

21st century folk art, in the tradition of weather vanes, scarecrows, and whirligigs.

Questions the intrusion of windmills, oil rigs, and solar farms on the landscape.

Three solar-powered motors turning three mylar ribbons in a clear plastic tube. Same motors and electronics as in “Sun Torque”, and same principle of operation.

Turns almost constantly in full sun. On an overcast day, turns every few minutes. Could be powered at night by a bright spotlight aimed from above at the solar cells.

Six foot tall, eight inches wide. Weatherproof and maintenance free, having no batteries. Ships UPS, dissassembled. It can be installed by one person of ordinary skill in a few hours. It requires leveling and caulking after installation.

Video at YouTube.

My public work Sun Field


A larger version of “Light Meter.”

Ten solar-powered, motorized “satellites” on a suspended fiberglass rod.

Sweeps a cylinder 16 foot in diameter by three foot tall. Weighs 10 pounds. Disassembles in two halves for shipping, UPS.

Requires 400 – 3,000 lux light (average to bright indoor light.) Tolerates limited direct sun since solar cells face down.

Satellites spin every few minutes or less. The whole mobile can rotate in the wind, but usually doesn’t in a typical room.

Rod comprises two seven foot fishing poles butted together. Satellites are spaced non-uniformly, to form more than a catenary curve. Solar cells are Powerfilm model LL3-37, for indoor light. Top is mirrored plastic, and collects dust. Motors are brushless, Nidec brand motors. No batteries; AVX brand, 15 mF super capacitors. Since no batteries and brushless motors, it should last for decades if not a century.

My public work Satellites